Pagina Precedente


10  baht  - III pagina

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y 428  - 10 Baht (2004) 72 yrs. Secretariat of the Cabinet

y 402  - 10 Baht (2005) Department of the Treasury, 72nd Ann.


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y 416 - 10 Baht (2005) 100th Ann. of Army Transportation Corp

y 417  - 10 Baht (2005) Prince Royal Cradle Ceremony

y 418  - 10 Baht (2005) 25 th Asia-Pacific Scout Jamboree

y 429  - 10 Baht (2005) Princess Petcharat 80th birthday


y 430  - 10 Baht (2005) 130 th Ann. Budget Inspection Department

y 424  - 10 Baht (2006) 150 yrs. Prince Jaturon Ratsamee

 y 431  - 10 Baht (2006) 60th Year of Reign

y  432 - 10 Baht (2006) 100 yrs. Department of Judge Advocate General

y 425  - 10 Baht (2007) 100 yrs. Royal Mounted Army

y 426  - 10 Baht (2007) 100 yrs. of 1st Thai Commercial Bank

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y 433  - 10 Baht (2007) Queens WHO Food Safety Award


y 434  - 10 Baht (2007) 50th Anniversary Thai Medical Technology


y 435  - 10 Baht (2007) UNIVERSIADE - World University Games

y 436 -  10 Baht (2007) Queens 75th Birthday

y 437  - 10 Baht (2007) IASAJ Conference -Bangkok

y 438 -  10 Baht (2007) Kings 80th Birthday

y 439 -  10 Baht (2007) 24th SEA Games

y 440 -  10 Baht (2008) 120th Ann. Siriraj Hospital

y 459 -  10 Baht (2008 +)

y 460 -  10 Baht (2008) 125th Ann. of the Postal Service

y 461 -  10 Baht (2008) 50th Ann. of the National Research Council

y 504 -  10 Baht (2009) 84th Birthday of Princess Petcharat Rajsuda

y 510 -  10 Baht (2009)  100° College Royal Thai Army”

y 497 -  10 Baht (2010) 120th Ann. of The Comptroller General’s Department

y 498 -  10 Baht (2010) 60th  National Economic & Social Development Board

 y 508 -  10 Baht (2011) Centenary  Fine Arts Department


y  516  - 10 Baht (2009) 150° Prince Bhanurangsri

y 525 -   10 Baht (2012) 100° Ministry of Transportation

y 577  -  10 Baht (2018 +) 1st portrait