1993 - date |
25 Kuna km 47 - 25 Kuna (1997) Danube Border Regionkm 48 - 25 Kuna (1997) 5 yrs. U.N. Membershipkm 49 - 25 Kuna (1997) Esperanto Congresskm 63 - 25 Kuna (1998) Lisbon Expokm 64 - 25 Kuna (1999) European Unionkm 65 - 25 Kuna (2000) New Millenium (human fetus)km 66 - 25 Kuna (2002) 10 yrs. of Independencekm 78 - 25 Kuna (2004) Entry into EEUkm 93 - 25 Kuna (2010) Zagrebkm 98 - 25 Kuna (2011) Accession to the E.U.km 101 - 25 Kuna (2013) EU Membershipkm 111 - 25 Kuna (2016) 25° Independencekm 112 - 25 Kuna (2017) U.N. Membershipkm new - 25 Kuna (2019) 25th Anniversary of the Kunakm new - 25 Kuna (2019) 350° University of Zagrebkm new - 25 Kuna (2020) Presidency Council Europeankm new - 25 Kuna (2021) 75° Association of Technicalkm new - 25 Kuna (2021) World Children’s Day