Pagina precedente




Pagina precedente







Somaliland inizio km

1 Scilling    

  5 Scillings     

10 Scillings     

20 Scillings




Monete in ordine crescente di Km

km   1                 1 Shilling (1994) Bird

km   3                 10 Shillings (2002) Velvet Monkey

km   4                 5 Shillings (2002) Richard F. Burton

km   5                 5 Shillings (2002) Rooster

km   6                 20 Shillings (2002) Greyhound Dog

km   7                 10 Shillings (2006) Aquarius the Water Carrier

km   8                 10 Shillings (2006) Pisces the Two Fish

km   9                 10 Shillings (2006) Aries the Ram

km   10              10 Shillings (2006) Taurus the Bull

km   11              10 Shillings (2006) Gemini the Twins

km   12               10 Shillings (2006) Cancer the Crab

km   13               10 Shillings (2006) Leo the Lion

km   14               10 Shillings (2006) Virgo as a Winged Woman

km   15               10 Shillings (2006) Libra Balance Scale

km   16               10 Shillings (2006) Scorpio the Scorpion

km   17               10 Shillings (2006) Sagittarius the Archer

km   18               10 Shillings (2006) Capricorn the Goat

km   19               5 Shillings (2005) Elephant and calf

km   new           10 Shillings (2012) Zodiac Series - Aries §

km   new           10 Shillings (2012) Zodiac Series - Taurus §

km   new           10 Shillings (2012) Zodiac Series - Gemini §

km   new           10 Shillings (2012) Zodiac Series - Cancer §

km   new           10 Shillings (2012) Zodiac Series - Leo §

km   new           10 Shillings (2012) Zodiac Series - Virgo §

km   new           10 Shillings (2012) Zodiac Series - Libra §

km   new           10 Shillings (2012) Zodiac Series - Scorpio §

km   new           10 Shillings (2012) Zodiac Series - Sagittarius §

km   new           10 Shillings (2012) Zodiac Series - Capricorn §

km   new           10 Shillings (2012) Zodiac Series - Aquarius §

km   new           10 Shillings (2012) Zodiac Series - Pisces §

km   new           10 Shillings (2012) Chinese Zodiac Series - Monkey §

km   new           10 Shillings (2012) Chinese Zodiac Series - Snake §

km   new           10 Shillings (2012) Chinese Zodiac Series - Mouse §

km   new           10 Shillings (2012) Chinese Zodiac Series - Pig §

km   new           10 Shillings (2012) Chinese Zodiac Series - Tiger §

km   new           10 Shillings (2012) Chinese Zodiac Series - Sheep §

km   new           10 Shillings (2012) Chinese Zodiac Series - Cock §

km   new           10 Shillings (2012) Chinese Zodiac Series - Dragon §

km   new           10 Shillings (2012) Chinese Zodiac Series - Rabbit §

km   new           10 Shillings (2012) Chinese Zodiac Series - Horse §

km   new           10 Shillings (2012) Chinese Zodiac Series - Dog §

km   new           10 Shillings (2012) Chinese Zodiac Series -Ox §

km   new           5 Shillings (2017) Cercocebus Atys §

km   new           5 Shillings (2017) Papio Anubis §

km   new           5 Shillings (2017) Pan Troglodytes §

km   new           5 Shillings (2017) Saimiri Schureus §

km   new           5 Shillings (2017) Macaca Nemestrina §

km   new           1 Shilling (2019) Gazelle - Aluminium §

km   new           5 Shillings (2019) Hippopotamu §

km   new           5 Shillings (2019) Sea Turtle §

km   new           5 Shillings (2019) DOG - Afghan hound §

km   new           5 Shillings (2019) DOG - American Staffordshire Terrier §

km   new           5 Shillings (2019) DOG - Beagle §

km   new           5 Shillings (2019) DOG - Boxer §

km   new           5 Shillings (2019) DOG - German shepherd §

km   new           10 Shilling (2019) Ship sailing to the right §

km   new           10 Shilling (2019) Ship sails to the left §

km   new           5 Shillings (2020) Amazona Xanthops §

km   new           5 Shillings (2020) Ara Rubrogenys §

km   new           5 Shillings (2020) Eolophus Roseicapilla §

km   new           5 Shillings (2020) Kakatoe Galerita §

km   new           5 Shillings (2020) Nymphicus Hollandicus §