Pagina precedente



10 Shillings 2006


Pagina precedente






Somaliland inizio km

2002  2006 2012 2019
10 Shillings 2006

Identify Coins

km 7  - 10 Shillings (2006) Aquarius the Water Carrier

Identify Coins

km 8 -  10 Shillings (2006) Pisces the Two Fish

Identify Coins 

km 9 -  10 Shillings (2006) Aries the Ram

Identify Coins

km10 - 10 Shillings (2006) Taurus the Bull

Identify Coins

 km 11 -  10 Shillings (2006) Gemini the Twins

Identify Coins

km 12  - 10 Shillings (2006) Cancer the Crab

Identify Coins

km 13 -  10 Shillings (2006) Leo the Lion

Identify Coins

 km 14 -  10 Shillings (2006) Virgo as a Winged Woman

Identify Coins

km 15  - 10 Shillings (2006) Libra Balance Scale

Identify Coins

km 16 -  10 Shillings (2006) Scorpio the Scorpion

Identify Coins

km 17 -  10 Shillings (2006) Sagittarius the Archer

Identify Coins

km 18  - 10 Shillings (2006) Capricorn the Goat